Hola.. Its been a busy month for me this December. I have very pack schedule this school break. The first week of december i went for beach getaway at Koh Lipe. And this second week end, we went for holiday in Singapore and JB and KL. Wehuuu. So pack. Can u imagine how tired I am?
Then next week end we will have a short trip to KL since my cousin will have her wedding ceremony in Rembau. And maybe after the wedding, we'll plan to hook at Melaka. Lol. Then on the last week end in December, 29th my family will have some kenduri kesyukuran for my sister.
Super pack kan. Tak melekat dekat rumah pun. So it will answer why my blog been in hiatus mode for a while. So sory my dear blog. I must admit I easily get tired and tensed after 1 long journey and it will lead to skin breakout sometimes. Urghhhh hate it!
Dah la bila travel sometimes I tend to skip some of my skincare routines. And sometimes I also forgot to bring a long my skincare. Oh my. Memang pelupa ok.
Now that I need to treat my skin due to some breakout. Nak make up pun tak best bila skin break out ni. Bila skin break out ni cepattt jeee jari tu tekan dekat apps Althea.
Cepat-cepat ja search dekat skincare apa yang best. Baca description satu-satu nak tengok apa yang boleh repair skin ni.
Harap-harap kulit boleh cantik macam Song Hye Kyo dan Song Ji Hyo ni.

Lawa betul kulit diorang dua ni. Aku suka tengok kulit diorang even without make up. Dah bila make up tu effortless gila kot. Takyah try hard sangat nk cover blemishes macam aku. Arghhh stress woiii kalau kulit breakdown 😌😌😌
Dah takyah nak stress stress sangat la. Bila stress nanti bertambah-tambah teruk pulak kulit tu nanti kang. Haa kan tak pasal-pasal lagi jenuh. Tutup  buka jangan nak stress sangat kah. Jom buka apps Althea. Kita tengok apa nak beli untuk topup skincare kita... Wehuuuu...
Antara yang ada dalam wishlist / cart aku dekat Althea adalah:

1. Laneige  Sleeping Mask Holiday Set (u can get it HERE

Lepas ni ada set ni senang la nak bawak travel kan. No more terlupa-lupa. Terus masuk dalam travel pouch for skincare.

2.  Laneige Dream and Glow Lip Care Set (u can get it HERE)

Seriously dah lama tak wat penjagaan dekat lip ni. Lips pun da kusam ja. I hope with this my lip comel la balik kan. Hahhaah

3. Holika, 3 Seconds Starter Collagen (U can get it HERE)

Ni my MUST WEAR skincare. Its like my modern susuk. Seronok ja lepas pakai. Terus muka rasa fresh and firm. Nak kena beli buat srock banyak-banyak uolls. Is barang baik!!!

4. Dear, Klairs (U can get it HERE)

I have been hearing the hypes about this products. Will love to try it soon. But first this is among my top ten wishlist in Althea store.

5.Althea - Bare Essential Set (U can get it HERE)

Among the best seller in Althea. I dont get a chance to try it myself. But hey it must be something special about it to be in the best seller list rite?

6. Mamonde-Rose Water Gel Cream (U can get it HERE)

I've been using the toner. Been using the toner as a face mist too. It does help me through the hot and dry humidity and I hope using with this will help to improve my skin condition. Did I mentioned I love roses scents?

7. Mamonde - First Energy Serum (U can get it HERE)

Well because it's Mamonde so I need to have this too. Been a Mamonde lover lately. Their products are worth to be spent on.

8. Althea - Real Fresh Skin Detoxer Set (U can get it HERE)

Lols. This is my Ultimate Orgasm Mask. I love the scents. I love how they make my skin feels after using it. Worth to restock it before it runs out of the stock rite?

9. Goodal - Green Tangerine Vita C Dark Spot Serum (U can get it HERE)

I'm a huge fan of serum and tangerine and Vit C. Hahaha. Green Tangerine has a lot vitamin C that will beneficial to my skin. So do i need more reason why not to love this one?

10. Pobling - Pore Sonic Cleanser (U can get it HERE)

Last but not least. I need this to deep clean my skin. I mean deep into the pores. Do u know clogged pores will lead to black and white head which is my worst enemy!
So tell me, what is your top ten wishlist in Althea cart?
For those yang tak pernah shopping kat Althea... Korang wajib kena download apps Althea ni sebab dekat Althea ni macam-macam products from Korea ada dekat sini. Dah la shipping cepat gilos then harga pun murah berbaloi-baloi. I always do my Korean skincare hauls here.
Cepat-cepat jenguk dekat Althea tau.