well..i bet many of us da well known about dis foundation or make up base...naturactor ni kan..
well lagi2 kalau yang suka make up make up tuh..(ckp gaya n nada nyahh)...
well for me..eh brpa byk well la kan...i had been trying a lot of foundation...but since i have combination skin which is oil at T zone n dry at V zone...must say it's quite hard for me to find a great foundation or make up base...try stage mcm tak best...nmpk mcm oily la plak kdang2 tu...at first application mmg nmpk perfect..but after few hours...i was like urghhh...berminyak n it did not blend so well wif my face...oh i hate u!then read lots of review about other foundations yg mahai2 mcm christian dior la..shisheido la..apa la...mmg kdang2 terpengaruh nk beli..but think again dah la mahai..iz it work well for my skin?hahaha....dasar kedekut...so last time masa aku kawen..my MUA who is my lovely kezen...used naturactor as my make up base...rsa mcm ehhh..suka nya suka nya...muka ku glow2...flawless mcm korean girls nyahhh..auwww...so tnya lah dia...which foundation yg ok...krayolan ka naturactor...so she suggest me to use naturactor since my skin is a lil bit oily kan...n a lil bit dry...kalau krayolan ni dia pnya texture a lil bit thick...n tak macam naturactor...both are great...but it's all depends dgn msg2 pnya preference kan...and for me..i prefer to use yg light...since naturactor as not oily..but krayolan a lil bit oily lah...which is NOT really good for me...but maybe i can try one day...
kalau compare pun naturactor ni lagi murah dari foundation2 lain kat luaq tu..
dlm rm40-60 da bleh dapat..
so naturactor ni pun ada dua jenis..ori dari Jepun ori dari China...
dua2 kualiti sama...bezanya Jepun cuma ada 4 or 5 colors..tapi dri China ada 10 colors...
ni ori dari Jepun.
ni ori dari China
ni make up masa nikah.
ni masa make up sdri jer...flawless dak?
huahuahua..perasan nyahh
so kawan2..apa tggu lagi...
u can orders them from me now at ONLY RM40.
choose ur right color shades...
for orders and inquiry:
call or sms-0133363775