Showing posts with label hypotension
This past few weeks were really
hard on me. My whole world turned upside down. I was struggling with the house chores & motherhood. I sleep less...i get tired. I can't even sleep body damn tired but for God Sake..getting a peaceful sleep is a real struggle! I keep on shutting my eyes...but my brain kept on thinking like i'm awake!

So last week kepala aku pusing bagai nak gila. Siap pakej cirit n muntah lagi. Ok bukan mengandung ya. Memang rumah pun si suami y
ang kemaskan pakej beli lauk siap masak semua lagi. Tinggal aku masak nasi ja.

After ja lunch memang aku decide nak ke klinik 1 Malaysia dekat kawasan rumah aku ni ja. Best sebab Klinik 1 Malaysia ni selalunya takdak orang pun. So takda la nak kena tunggu lama ka apa ka. Bayar pun RM1 ja. Nikmat mana la yang aku dustakan ye dak.

Sekali bila MA tu check rupanya tekanan darah aku agak rendah. 80/60 ja. Patut la aku macam nak pengsan dah rasa.

Credit to Google. 

Credit to Google.

Yeah...dis is what I feel during that time.

Husband aku dah nak bawak aku ke Gleneagles dah. Tapi buat apa kan....low bp ni xdak menda lain kena minum air banyak, cukup rest ok la. Memang diakui la aku memang kurang rest.

Antara langkah-langkah pencegahan yang aku boleh lakukan untuk cegah low blood pressure/hypotension ni adalah dengan;

* dapatkan rehat secukupnya.
* minum air secukupnya
* makan benda-benda masin untuk balance kan balik blood pressure ( tapi jangan terlebih-lebih pulak kan)
* minum kopi , teh dan hot choc sebab kandungan kaffein dapat meningkatkan hormon adrenalin dan sekaligus meningkatkan tekanan darah kita.

Credit to Google.

* makan sayuran hijau seperti bayam.
* minum teh rosemary atau diffuse EO rosemary; rosemary memang terkenal untuk merawat tekanan darah rendah.

Rosemary ni one of my fav herbs. Memang ada standby dekat balcony garden. Bila pening or sakit kepala memang aku suka cabut skit and snif snif.
Picture credit to Google.

* tambah pengambilan bawang putih, bawang putih dapat menstabilkan tekanan darah.

Yes. I love garlics. Memang masak suka letak garlic banyak-banyak sebab sedap. Kalau malas jugak nak masak guna banyak garlic elok rasanya ambil ja pil garlic.
Picture credit to Google.

So far, aku rasa aku getting better dah. Cuma tu la, nak dapatkan rehat secukupnya tu selagi mana nama kau mak orang..xda maknanya lah kan nak dapat rehat yang secukupnya. 

Takpa lah kan, Allah duga dengan sakit kecil ni supaya aku beringat. Supaya aku tak leka dan terbuai dengan nikmat dunia semata-mata kan. Terima kasih Allah atas nikmat-nikmat yang diberikan. Bila jatuh sakit, kita akan rindu masa kita sehat. Alhamdulillah untuk segala nikmat yang Allah berikan.


in , , , by Alia Farhan, 3:32 AM
ok sejak dua tiga menjak ni aku kan selalu rsa pening2...floating..rsa ringan..ehhh..pang sedas..pastu rsa nk pitam...then p check tdi kt clinic dlm kilang ni..omaigod penyakit lama mai balik dah...low blood pressure balik dah...dok rsa dah...ok balik ni nk kena makan ikang masing la...bagi ilang sket fening2 ni...sebenaqnya aku rasa ni penyakit keturunan kot..arwah tok ada..mama ada..angah pun ada...aku pun ada?tapi sejak preggy ni mcm asik duk pening ja..perasan jugak bila makan menda masin ja terus mcm lega...
ok ckap psai low blood pressure...what is it actually?
ayat kat bawah ni ayat kopi pess la...

Hypotension refers to abnormally low blood pressure, and a reading even as little as 20mmHg below normal can result in hypotension.
Of course there are many people in the world who suffer from Hypotension, also known as Low Blood Pressure, and they lead normal healthy lives. There are of course others who suffer terribly from the symptoms of hypotension. It is important that you are aware of these symptoms, as hypotension can deprive your brain of the oxygen it needs in order to keep you alive.

Common signs and symptoms of Hypotension

Low blood pressure may not always be a bad thing. Some people who may be in the peak of physical fitness may enjoy having a low risk of suffering from a heart attack. For others though, it is not a condition to be happy about, especially if any of the following symptoms is experienced:
 Dizziness or light-headedness
 Irregular heartbeat
 Stiff neck
 Burning and foul smelling urine
 Low concentration
 Blurred vision
 Cold, clammy, pale skin
 Rapid or shallow breathing

What can cause Hypotension?

Suffering from low blood pressure during your pregnancy may be common, but that doesn’t mean that being pregnant is the only cause of your low blood pressure. There are other factors which may be the cause, and they will need to be ruled out, so that your healthcare provider can be sure that there is no additional danger to you or your baby. Other possible causes of low blood pressure include:
 Heart problems
Bradycardia, a condition which is caused as a result of extremely low heart rate and problems with the valves of the heart may all cause your blood pressure to be low, and could possibly lead to heart failure, even when you are not pregnant.
 Endocrine problems
Generally caused by either an underactive or overactive thyroid, adrenal insufficiency low blood sugar and in some cases, diabetes. As you can image any of these complications during your pregnancy will need to be dealt with efficiently.

Treating Hypotension

If your healthcare provider is concerned about your low blood pressure, or an underlying factor which has been discovered, then there is a treatment. The kind of treatment which is recommended depends on what the cause for the hypotension is, your age and your fitness level.
Some of the common methods of treatment are as follows:
 Increased salt intake
This is usually recommended for those who simply need to increase there blood pressure. However this is not as simple as adding a teaspoon of salt to your diet either, as too much salt can cause you to have high blood pressure. If your healthcare provider recommends this as treatment, then he or she will also give you’re the correct directions on how to go about this method.
 Increased water intake
Of course drinking water is good for you, especially during your pregnancy. Quite simply, fluids increase blood volume, as well as prevent dehydration.
Of course there is always medication to treat the more serious cases. Midodrine is the drug of choice to help raise your blood pressure. However this is a complicated subject, as it also has side effects which your healthcare provider will be aware of.

Courtesy of: Hypotension info

so ada sapa2 yang ada masalah sama ngn aku leh la kita kongsi2 apa cara korang wat utk reduce kan..boleh?!