last weekend...
sempat jugaklah terjah ke fullhouse penang yg baru launched 11.11 hari tu...
enjoy the pics....
i love the deco..
u know how much i love the white deco rite?
but when it comes to the food...
i must say....
didn't meet my expectation...
i dont know mayb penang branch one not as good as kl one or what
because from what i see....
xda la mndapat sambutan yg hangat mcm kt kl...
mayb kt penang, the people lebeh suka lepak dkt kedai Abu...kedai2 yg surrounding dia nmpk mcm cikai tapi dia pnya food sgt marveles!
or maybe bcoz the location itself...
sbb kalau kt penang ni...times square ni org mcm jarang masuk..
yg akan masuk pun mostly Chinese so aku ngn amir hari tu mcm agak alien la jugak..
so aku rasa maybe tu lah fact yg mnyumbang kepada ke-tak berapa best-an fullhouse kt penang ni
ok lah..nnt aku update lg tmpt2 mkan yg aku rsa best kat penang ni...
stay tune!