Showing posts with label beauty essentials
normally every weekend night..esp friday or saturday...i will spoil my skin esp my face so much....hari2 yang esoknya kerja harap maklum malas nak cara ke muka la bla2....just clean..tone n moisturize kalau weekend sempat la...cleanse la exfoliate/scrub la...masking la...bla bla bla....
for masker i got few of my fav selection...bird nest..choco..macaron&tea...n not to forget my fav PMC(Pure Marine Collagen)...
tapi malam ni decide nak pkai yg bird nest ni...lama da tak pkai before perform my Ishak prayer...sempat letak jap masker ni dalam freezer..bgi ada cooling effect sket....hoiiii...baru sejuk da nyaman ja rasa....tak caya sila la try...

 ni lah dia masker bird nest yg ai pkai mlm u woo!!

ok lah...step by step to pamper our skin...

1) cleanse by using proper cleanser according to ur skin type...

2)exfoliate/scrub to remove dead cells which can lead to dull skin it twice per week should be okay then..

3) put ur mask my case i usually sleep with my mask...

4) wake up in the morning..rinse my face...n rasa muka fresh sangat!oh bahagianya.....

clinique review

in , , , by Alia Farhan, 8:57 AM
as requested by wida before...
tonite i will do some review bout clinique...
as you know clinique has been known as a very established skin care..cosmetics and fragrance world wide...
ya lah ya lah..melalut sudah..
mode nak blogging semua ke laut...

i'm recovering from my allergic reaction...been warded...uhuk2...i hate the feeling of being sick T_____T

so this is what i've been using for the past 5 years....gila loyal kan?!like serious i've been using this product for almost 5 years..since 2008 back then...
why i love this product?
i'd been using this product since 2008 where back then my skin is very oily...and got few problem with acne especially during menstrual momentos...ohhh i miss my menstrual moment!well setiap  kali bila guna this soap..i feel my skin is clear...smooth....n tak rsa sticky mcm ada sabun2 or what...usually kalau other facial wash tu after using 3-4 months mesti da rsa tak best..tapi with this clinique soap..tak pernah rasa mcm tu pun...lagi satu i prefer this soap type compared to gel type tu..tak tau kenapa!
so now..aku da tak guna yg oily dah...da guna yg number 2 kalau tak silap..dat one for combination oily skin...oh ni dia ada numbering dia untuk setiap product dia..aku pun tak ingat dah..sebab sabun ni aku selalu beli yang besaq gedabak ni..tak suka beli yg kecik2 3ketoi tu...kalau yg kecik2 tu cepat ja abeh n luak...kalau yang ni mau dekat 7-8 bulan baru abeh...selalu beli dekat mama ja yg kecik2 tu sebab mama prefer that one...
and for the toner really works well to wipe away your zits...sat ja korang da rasa jerawat korang tu nak kecut...suka2...yg toner ni pun ada dia pnya numbering jugak..right now..i've been using no 3...selalu kalau kulit aku mcm oily teruk sangat baru la aku sental betul2 guna toner ni...kalau tak selalu aku toner dengan sari ayu air mawar tu ja....hahaha...

so kalau ada sesapa yg rasa ada problem dengan kulit...aku suggestkan korang p la ke counter clinique tu...kat jusco ada..parkson ada...byk tmpat ada kan..let the pro analyse ur skin...n suggest u what u should use...

tomorrow goin back to penang....
start da nak headache bila pikiaq psai kerja...

gud nite...

before and after....

in , , , by Alia Farhan, 6:09 AM

Before vs after?
So different right?
Its me..wif no make ups on...n the other one...wif make ups...
My secret?
~naturactor code 151
~MAC studio perfect
~benefit blusher~coralista
~rimmel lipstick~shake up pink
~silky girl eye liner in black
~maybeline mascara cat eye
~benefit highlight~high beam...used to point out my nose n cheeck bone
Those are my essentials make up about u guys?!
For naturactor infos... Please click here n read about my review

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must have

in , by Alia Farhan, 7:08 AM

After our super quick weekend get away...lunch sudah...then we decided to go Gurney Plaza...yeah for skyfall for sure...yeah as expected ramainya orang...haihhh...n d ticket was sellin fast i am not dat bond muvie lover...dont ask me y...mayb bcoz hero is tak i told hubs y not we watch this comin he said ok...he will watch alone since i'm not into bond muvie...hewhee...jahat kan?
After dat we decided to walk around..cuci mata...n as usual...termasuk lah daiso...oh ya daiso dah bukak tau dekat Gurney Plaza...bukan Queensbay ja ada what i got for myself?
~cute make up pouch for works
~clay mask..dis one is so greattt...i mean like trully can remove all ur blackehead n whitehead just like dat...i had tried dis one before...worth ur only rm5 ok!
~and a cleansing pad...bru ja try tadi...yahhh...sangat best...mcm cuci sgt muka tu rasa..
Tak semestinya menda yg cheap tu tak brkualiti kan..give a try to urself....
Ok lah...gtg...
Gud nitr

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