What happened recently?

in , by Alia Farhan, 3:12 AM
It's 18th March btw. I just realise I only managed to blog 3 posts up to this date. Yeah ...been a through a lot lately.

First I was super duper busy with my new house, the one in Bandar Cassia,  Batu Kawan. Near to Ikea Penang. We work on out plan to make a homestay / guesthouse as we don't plan to rent it monthly basis to others. Well at least we can stil managed to monitor what is happening with our property. I've been through this whole cleaning process (sikit ja pun.. The major one upah Indo ladies to clean up for me).. All part of installation stuff like Ikea racks and all that which required me to assembled it by myself.

As much as I enjoyed doing the installation n assembling the stuff I also forgot that I have a lower back pain that comes and goes like heart lah. Fewww.

Ada satu hari masa tengah nak loading barang dekat trolley to bring to our new house. Tetiba prakkk....my pinggang bunyi. It was painful like hell. Terus tangkap ke kaki. Imagine I have to fetch kakak from her school and then feed my kids for lunch.   Sebab nak pergi rumah baru.  So I dont cook that day, having to handle two kids outside in a hot sunny day dengan memasing kadang-kadang menduga gila.

But as I managed to get to the new house at Batu Kawan.. And sit n baring for a while dekat sofa... Suddenly aku tak boleh bangun. Nak bangun berdiri pun rasa macam nak putus pinggang. Oh my it was terribly hurt me. Kena menggagau and berpaut dekat kerusi putih but suddenly nak fell down sebab kerusi tu tak balance. Nasib baik cepat berpaut dekat grill tingkap. I don't know if jatuh... Surely tak boleh bangun terus😭

Nasib si kakak dah paham bahasa and bila aku sakit ka apa.  Dia yang banyak tolong mak dia ni. Tapi kadang-kadang kesian bila mama dia sakit.. Dia selalu jadi mangsa kena marah. Sory kakak😭😭😭

I'd been suffering from this lower back pain start dari accident jatuh moto masa 2007. Then 2x epidurals masa cser both of my kids sikit sebanyak lead to another terrible lower back pain. Yoko-yoko and Mustajab krim panas tu memang my best friend la kan. Kadang-kadang sampai dah takda rasa panas tu sebab dah selalu apply kat pinggang tu.

Bila baca simptom-simptom slip disc. Ada banyak hint menjurus ke arah slip disc. For this time being memang aku tak pernah refer orthopaedic untuk my lower back pain ni. Kalau aku pi check.. Kompem2 Adriana kena ponteng sekolah. Tengok lah cuti ni ka aku pi check dekat Ortho.

But for this time being aku nak try jugak Chiropractic Treatment. Anyone yang pernah try Chiropractic treatment? Can u share with me how it was done?  Does it hurt? Does is make u feel well after doing it?

Well that what was happens to me recently.  I was quite busy and suddenly I had this lower back pain attacks on me. This year, this is the second one. Surely bila kena tak boleh bangun punya and I will surely cry sebab terlalu sakit.

I 'm actually too scared to see the orthopaedic. Takut kalau diagnosed with slip disc. Tapi at the same time...tak boleh tahan anymore. A mother like me nak bedrest lama-lama pun kenot. I have no maid. So I was depending on my husband ti help me with the kids and the house chores. But yes.. Pitty him also lah kan. Kerja lagi..  Haihhh...

My husband ada ajak aku pi Chiropractic treatment ni. Sebab dia sendiri pun sejak-sejak accident jatuh motor last year pun sakit jugak pinggang. He also risau somemore tengok bini dia sampai tak leh bangun kadang-kadang tu. Solat? Aku solat duduk wei. Memang tak boleh bangun berdiri immediately cepat2 tau. Nak rukuk n bend down my body pun cannot sometimes. Sebab tu solat duduk ja.

Second day lepas pinggang prakkk.  Terlantar berbaring dekat rumah sampai rasa nak muntah tengok kipas berpusing. Telan ponstan and Orphenadol then keluar naik kereta jalan-jalan tepi pantai amik angin gitu. 

Bukan mengeluh..  Cuma nak mencurah rasa di hati dekat blog ni. Aku baru Allah uji dengan sakit sikit macam ni ja. Tapi rasa seksa tu Allah ja lah yang tau. Aku harap dengan kesakitan-kesakitan yang Allah bagi aku ni asbab untuk Allah hapuskan semua dosa-dosa aku.