My pregnancy momentos will always be remembered..i learnt what it is like to bear the pain...but at the same time affraid if ur lil one inside affected by the pain u har been through..dats la dalam Islam..darjat seorang ibu sangat la mulia...
I heard a story from my angah...about one of her sad complication eventho the forth birth..i'm not sure if she survived or not..
What angah told me is totally right...when u start pregnant u lil one inside will be a cute parasite..dont get me wrong k...parasite here means dat...ur lil one will actually absorbed all the good things in u such as calcium....bla bla...dats y u find urself screamin in d middle of d nite...cramp...crampppp...dengan harapan husband akan bangun n urut kaki u..n in my husband did dat....huhu...not only dat...when u get pregnant u also risking u life...dats y dalam Islam kalau matinya seorang wanita ketika melahirkqn zuriat akan dikira sebagai jihad kecil....n now i know y....admit dat pregnancy arent easy for me as some of others do....

N now pun da terkena Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS) first ingat terseliuh biasa ja....tgk2 makin lama makin teruk sakit dia..smpai kena jmpa otho specialist.
What is CTS?
CTS happen to some of preggers as some might b bloating with kat hand wrist kita ni ada satu tunnel or terowong sempit yg ada nerve kat bila bloating...the water retention will keep on pressurized la kita pnya nerve tu....sbb tu kadang2 ad rasa numb...ada rsa mnyucuk2..mcm aku ni. Rsa myucuk2..smpi tgn jd lemah n nk pegang apa pun xleh..jgan xtau aku siap nangeh lagi tau...nk pkai baju pun laki tolong..yg dlm2 xyah kata la...sumpah spjg msaa ayaq mata duk mleleh...nsib ada laki yg baik mcm ni....
N now Doc bg MC smpi 14/2. Bpak boring aku nk mlangut kt umah....
Ni pun terkedek2 type. ...tgan kan guna hand splint...tpi mostly guna left ja lah...xmau pressure right hand side sgt...nnt bila plak nk lega haaa
Ok lah....
I heard a story from my angah...about one of her sad complication eventho the forth birth..i'm not sure if she survived or not..
What angah told me is totally right...when u start pregnant u lil one inside will be a cute parasite..dont get me wrong k...parasite here means dat...ur lil one will actually absorbed all the good things in u such as calcium....bla bla...dats y u find urself screamin in d middle of d nite...cramp...crampppp...dengan harapan husband akan bangun n urut kaki u..n in my husband did dat....huhu...not only dat...when u get pregnant u also risking u life...dats y dalam Islam kalau matinya seorang wanita ketika melahirkqn zuriat akan dikira sebagai jihad kecil....n now i know y....admit dat pregnancy arent easy for me as some of others do....

N now pun da terkena Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS) first ingat terseliuh biasa ja....tgk2 makin lama makin teruk sakit dia..smpai kena jmpa otho specialist.
What is CTS?
CTS happen to some of preggers as some might b bloating with kat hand wrist kita ni ada satu tunnel or terowong sempit yg ada nerve kat bila bloating...the water retention will keep on pressurized la kita pnya nerve tu....sbb tu kadang2 ad rasa numb...ada rsa mnyucuk2..mcm aku ni. Rsa myucuk2..smpi tgn jd lemah n nk pegang apa pun xleh..jgan xtau aku siap nangeh lagi tau...nk pkai baju pun laki tolong..yg dlm2 xyah kata la...sumpah spjg msaa ayaq mata duk mleleh...nsib ada laki yg baik mcm ni....
N now Doc bg MC smpi 14/2. Bpak boring aku nk mlangut kt umah....
Ni pun terkedek2 type. ...tgan kan guna hand splint...tpi mostly guna left ja lah...xmau pressure right hand side sgt...nnt bila plak nk lega haaa
Ok lah....
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