New Swedish Cafe At Ikea Batu Kawan

by Alia Farhan, 9:36 AM


Kalau sapa2 yang familiar dengan Ikea mesti recognised Hej ni kan. Hej is a Swedish words that means Hi. And for those yang memang kipas susah mati Ikea ni korang wajib la ke Swedish Cafe depa ni.

Untuk pengetahuan Swedish ni depa ada budaya FIKA atau dalam bahasa melayu nya mengopi. They will take a cup of coffee during the meeting as FIKA is more to their lifestyle.

This Swedish Cafe ni terletak dekat exit shopping hall. Ala dekat la satu level dengan orang selalu beli hot dog and karipap Ikea yang sedap tu.

Ikea Swedish Cafe Official Launch

Some sneak peek of their newly launch cafe.

Some of the food for you to have while mengopi

Rainbow cakes!

Their special pandan gula melaka cake! Sedappppp


Cosy space

Ikea n cosiness ❤️❤️❤️

Ok jom nk close up skit food dekat Swedish Cafe Ikea Batu Kawan ni

The special rose latte and pandan gula melaka cake!

So let’s FIKA at the new Ikea Batu Kawan, Swedish Cafe. 

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