Recyle, Reuse & Reduce Our Waste

in , by Alia Farhan, 3:21 AM

What would u do if u have this kind of plastic container? I mean literally like this... Fully covered with oil stain like this? Terus buang ke? πŸ€”

Sedih gila bila baca banyak yang sanggup buang ja dari cuci bersih2 utk repurpose in the near future. 

Do u know that a single plastic usage that has been discarded from our house will need 500 years to be degrade to our environment. Kita dah mati tinggal 7 keturunan pun plastic tu tak degrade2 lagi guys. So can you imagine how much plastic waste end up in our landfills guys? πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘

So in order to reduce our plastic waste... One of the way us too reuse and re-purpose it for other usage. Senang kan? U dont need to spend your money to buy more plastic for ur daily usage. Imagine... Cooking extra dishes.. N you want to tapao and give to your neighbours.. Instead of buying new containers... You just can use the existing plastic containers that u have save from the last use.

I give u some examples... Why on earth we should avoiding single use of plastic.

Paham maksud gambar-gambar di atas?

Maksudnya... Plastic secara amnya menjejaskan persekitaran dan kesihatan kita amnya. Bukan setakat binatang ja terjejas..kita yang manusia ni pun secara tak langsung terjejas.

Jom kita tengok apa effect plastic waste ni:

1.  Menjejaskan kesihatan manusia.

Paham dengan gambar di atas? πŸ˜…


We eat plastic-contaminated seafood. Scientists have found microplastics in 114 marine species, and around one-third of these end up on our plates. We consume plastic via packaging. BPAs present in many plastic objects that come in direct contact with food is metabolized in the liver to form Bisphenol A, and it remains in our body through our urine.


We drink microplastics via bottled water. The WHO published shocking research in 2018 that exposed the presence of microplastics in 90% of bottled water, the test of which revealed only 17 were free of plastics out of 259. We absorb plastic through our clothes, 70% of which are synthetic and worst fabric for the skin. We even breathe plastic when due to poor waste management, we burn the trash in the open air.

2. Menjejaskan Rantai Makanan

Saiz plastik yang pelbagai sama ada kecil atau besar secara amnya akan menjejaskan binatang dalam laut. Terutamanya mikro plastik yang dimakan oleh plankton. Kalau ikut rantai makanan.. Plankton ni akan dimakan oleh ikan2 atau hidupan laut yang lebih besar. Dan seterusnya kita pula yang makan ikan, sotong dan lain-lain. 😒😒😒

3. Ground water pollution 

Imagine our ground water reservoir has been contaminated with the garbage dump especially during rainy days or rainy season. Dan kita pulak guna air dari ground water untuk kegunaan seharian kita seperti untuk makan dan minum.

Selain daripada tu, leaking from our landfill akan terus mengalir ke laut dan sekaligus menjejaskan juga marine life. See? πŸ˜… How it chain with each other. 

4.  Land Pollution

Dah kalau memenuhkan landfill... Of course it will pollute the land. Not only it will pollute the land. Bila long term exposure with water and heat from sun.. It will release hazardous chemicals to surrounding especially our ground water and effect our water quality. 

5. Air Pollution. 

Pembakaran plastik  secara terbuka akan menyebabkan pembebasan bahan kimia ke udara dan sekaligus mencemarkan udara kita. Udara yang tercemar pula disedut oleh manusia dan binatang-binatang di sekitar. This will cause a major respiratory problem to most humans. 

6. It kill animals! 

How sad is this😭😭😭😭😭

The key is we need to reduce our single plastic usage... Be creative... Tak semestinya bottle air Pepsi yang kita beli tu xboleh guna benda2 lain... 

Remember to Recycle, Reduce & Reuse. 

We owe the world to our kids. 



All pics credit to Google 

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  1. Sedihnya tgk haiwan2 mati disebabkan manusia.. kalau pi olive tree, byk depa reuse plastik2 menjadi bahan.

  2. Lepas ni kena recycle la. But kena ada extra storage. 😊

  3. Akk aritu pun pening, byk sangat simpan bekas plastik gini. 12 thn punya hasil haha. Ada yg buang mana tak elok. Ada yg masih simpan. Akk ada juga belajar green environment masa pi green camp Bali. Mmg insaf! Sana lg teruk, jamban pun timbus pasir khas je. Nt dorang dtg korek.

    Dining, mana makanan yang tak habis tu kena sorting ikut tong sampah.

    Dorang recycle buat baja. Tp, memang kebun sana fresh buah semua boleh makan gitu sbb tak ada bhn kimia
