
Kali ni di segmen JJCM di Penang.. Nak cerita skit pasal kami pi makan dekat Lagenda Cafe ni...

Located at Lebuh Campbell, Lagenda Cafe merupakan salah satu cafe tumpuan baik local mahupun foreingers. And... Owner dia adalah sama dengan Irama Dining.

Ni lah cafe  nya. I like d classic looks here. 

At the outside of the cafe

I love the pokok 

Jom kita tengok nak makan apa ya. 

Memang peminat P Ramlee kot. I love how the owners decorate their cafe here n at Irama Dining. Its classical Malaysia culture. 

Our starter. Cheese sticks.. Nyummy.. I like the dipping sauce.. Satu macam cheesy.. Satu lagi ada tangy taste n tengit like hint of balsamic vinegar which i love... Oh yes.. I love both of the dipping sauce. Some might hate the taste of balsamic vinegar. 

Tokua / tauhu sumbat. Not bad. Kauh kacang sedap. Dats the most important thing if u want to have a perfect tokua sumbat. 

Chicken chop.. We are expecting oriental sauce as we asked the girl/waiter either it is oriental sauce or not. And she replied it is.. Unfortunately it was not. Ordered 2 sets of chicken chop for the kids but none of them finish as they dont really like the flavour of the gravy. Maybe sebab ada hint of coconut oil in it. I can taste the "pungent" smell and taste of coconut oil in it. Some people might not like it. But i'm OK with it as my late grandmas used to cook dishes with coconut oil. 

This os what i ordered. As soon as mine arrived, the kids want to have mine😏😏😏
I like this prawn aglio olio. It tastes good. Definitely will comeback for their aglio olio 😋😋😋

My husband, grill fish with bunga telang rice. The grill fish is good. 

What i like about the nasi set is they com3 with this sets of side dishes (keropok, kerabu mangga, air asam, sambak belacan n etc).. 

I love the ambience. 

Thank u sebab belanja papa. Semoga makin murah rezeki.... 

For those yang nak try makan dekat Lagenda Cafe... U guys can go to

Lagenda Cafe

43 Lebuh Campbell, 
10200 Penang

Lagenda Cafe

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  1. waalaikumussalam. wah menu menarik. dekorasi pun simple, menawan ja. memang terpikat habis ^_^

  2. sukenye tgk cafe dyee. cozy je

  3. Tempat makan ni pun nampak lagenda. Makanan yang dihidangkan variety juga ye?. Nak kena try kalau kat sana lah.

  4. Lama tak ke Penang, nanti kalau datang sana bolehlah Sis singgah makan di sini. Takua tu menyelerakan sebab tauhu sumbat peberet Sis..hehehehe

  5. I love the fact that I get to know more cafes and restaurants in Penang by reading your blog. Ada a few yang I kena lawat bila balik Penang kelak

  6. Penang memang sangat banyak tempat makan best kan. Btw, insyaAllah tahun ni dalam bulan Ogos gitu akan ke Penang menghadiri majlis kahwin kawan baik. Nanti bolehlah singga Lagenda Cafe untuk rasai keenakan seperti yang diceritakan ni.. Yummy! Tak sabarnya..

  7. comelnya menu dia ada gambar2 dari movie P Ramlee. Kalau kita makan maybe ada reaction yang sama dengan anak2 kak lia sebab tak suka coconut oil hahaha

  8. Wow!!!!!!! Menarik hidangan Di Lagenda Cafe nie. Kalo gie Penang leh singgah sinie.

  9. Lagenda Cafe yang sangat unik. Ni kalau saya pergi ni mesti banyak gambar saya ambil. Nampak dekorasi yang sangat cantik. In shaa Allah kalau balik kampung nnti bolehlah singgah :)

  10. Lepas ni kalo plan nak ke penang dah tau nak gi terjah tempat makan yang mana! Thanks sharing tempat ni so that next time bila plan ke Penang leh selak balik la entry ni

  11. Cafe dia punya desing nampak rare dan unik. Jarang jarang nak tengok kedai makan yang macam ni.

  12. Alamak cheese stick tu favourite. Menu lain pun nampak sedap dan menyelerakan

  13. sedapnya, saya suka yang cheese stick tu. kat penang banyak juga restoran best2

  14. portion semua jenih sharing kan3
    kadang rege makanan tu mcm mahal, tapi kena tgk juga la serving portion yg dpt
    bebaloi2 kan3
