Over the past few years, Desa Park City has become one of the most popular places to invest in a property. Desa Park City spans across 473 acres area and it is one of the fastest growing area in Kuala Lumpur. Do you have any properties in Desa Park City? Whether it is for own stay or investment purpose, there are many things that you can enjoy in Desa Park City. This article will guide you through some activities that you can carry out in Desa Park City.

Sound of nature - enjoy the beautiful scene
There is a huge park located in Desa Park City and this is a great place for you to unwind from the hustling and bustling working lifestyle. Enjoy the sound of nature and the beautiful scene at the park. There might not be as many trees or birds from what you expect in the forest, but this park here is a great hang out place with your friends and family to relax after a long day at work. You can sit in front of the mini waterfall and feed the fish with your children, if you have any. You will be able to spot some tortoises as well. Definitely the right place to enjoy and indulge in the beautiful scenery with your loved ones.

You can also have a mini photoshoot session at Desa Park City. You can practice and improve your photography skills here with no extra charge. You can choose to have a portrait photography session, scenery photography session and so on. As Desa Park City is a very happening place with many subjects for you to shoot, your photography session here is absolutely free of charge. Just make sure you obtain the permission first before you start shooting as an act of respect.

Pic courtesy to Google.

Hang out spot for couples
Tired of the crowded shopping malls? Why not hang out at Desa Park City where you can spend some quality time together in this peaceful park? You can also kill two birds with one stone by having a couple exercise routine together with your partner, at the same time keep your body fit.

If working out is not your kind of thing to do, you can just have a picnic by the lake. Just bring a mat and some food to enjoy the view. If you are hardworking enough, you can even prepare the food on your own to score some brownie points from your partner. Just make sure  not to leave any rubbish behind. Be a responsible citizen.

Pic courtesy of Google.

Family friendly activities
Family friendly outdoor activities - fish feeding, cycling, children playground
Since there is a lake there in Desa Park City, children can indulge in some fish feeding activities, under parental guidance. You can buy a loaf of bread of some fish food to feed the fishes in the lake. Take this time to show and teach your children about marine life. Just make sure your children do not fall into the lake. Safety always comes first.

Other than fish feeding, family can also enjoy jogging together, cycling or kite flying. There are many more other activities that you can enjoy at Desa Park City. Yoga enthusiasts can also have an outdoor yoga session in the serene environment. It is always a good idea to have some family activities together than to have your children stick to the iPhone or iPad 24/7.

Make new friends
Desa Park city is also a great place for people to make new friends and meet new people, especially loners. Desa Park City is a place for you to meet like minded people, such as those who enjoy exercising or those who are pet lovers. Your children can also make new friends as many families bring along their children to Desa Park City.

Food hunting
Those who enjoy food hunting will be glad to know that there are many retail stores and food and beverage outlets at Desa Park City Waterfront. The restaurants at the Waterfront serve Asian food, Western Food and Fusion Cuisine.

Visit Onde Onde if you love Malaysian food. Prices are slightly on the higher end, but you are getting what you pay for. Do try their fragrant fried rice paired with tender beef rendang and sambal vegetables. End your meal with a bowl of ABC gula Melaka for a sweet treat. You can also try their wide array of local kuih muih for teatime if you prefer something not to heavy.

Pic credit to Onde onde

If you love Korean food, make sure you make a visit to Hobahn Korean Restaurant at Desa Park City. Hobahn Korean Restaurant serves a great selection of Korean dishes such as Bibimbap, Kimchi Tofu Soup, Teriyaki fried chicken and so on at a reasonable price.

Pic credit to Hobahn Facebook page.

In conclusion, Desa Park City is a grest hang out place for couples and family. If you have nothing better to do during the weekends, do consider Desa Park City.

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  1. yeah know that's a nice place to visit but no go before. Glad you share the activities to so I can tell my dear of this awesome place.

  2. Desa park city ni tak de laaa jauh dari rumah Nina. Cantik tenang jer kat sini. Setuju, memang sesuai datang sini dan adakan aktiviti riadah bersama family.

  3. Such a beautiful place to live in. I love to have family gathering too. I wish i can visit Desa Park City soon. Thanks for sharing

  4. Cantik ni kalau buat gathering ramai2.. Tempat untuk shoot2 gambar pun sesuai sebab lawa.. Tak pernah masuk lagi desa park ni..nanti bila2 boleh singgah

  5. tk pernah smp lagi desa park city..byk aktiviti bole dilakukan ye..ada tmpt mkn bole la food hunting..tq share info

  6. Picnic and photoshoot! Gabungan yang sangat best. Boleh buat plan surprise picnik untuk birthday ke apa kan.

  7. Tak pernah sampai lagi kat Desa Park City ni...macam menarik jer..setuju kalau photoshoot cantik..akak sekarang memang cari tempat untuk photoshoot jer...hahaha..anak beranak giler bergambar

  8. Desa park City ni dah jadi township yang hebat dah. Macam macam ada dah sekarang . One day must visit this place.

  9. Waktu cuti kita wajib rancang masa kita sebaiknya dengan aktiviti yang menarik dan berfaedah. Barulah hidup kita makin indah

  10. Cantik jugak desa park ni.. tapi klau taman mmg port utk anak2 fan keluarga lepak enjoy berkelah..spebd time dgn anak2 memang seronok dan mengeratkan ikatan keluarga

  11. Tak pernah lg ke sini. Cantik pulak tempat dia.
    Sis ni lama dh tak berpicnic..bolehlah picnic gan anak satu hr nanti kat sini

  12. Rawlins hanya lalu je Desa Park City and tak pernah lagi terfikir nak explore. Nie terasa nak jelajah makan-makan kat situ la nampaknya.

  13. Desa park city ni famous jugakkan. Selalu jadi tempat event. Tapi x sangka banyak juga ada katbsiti spt taman, kedai mkn dll

  14. Macam pernah dengar Desa PArk City..ke aku pernah buat photoshoot kat sini? hahaha..tempat memang cantik tu

  15. cantiknya permandangan disana. seronoknya kalau dapat pergi. berphotoshoot ke.. Beriadah bawak anak anak ke kan..

  16. Desa park city tak pernah lagi pergi sana, tp ada masa nti nk pergi la bawak fmly mesti best kan?

  17. Desa park city npk macam Montauk, pemandangan yg indah dan menghijau sejuk mata memandang
