It's been a while I didn't update about my recent balcony garden. Yeahh after my recent trip to Perth for 10days some of plants died and some of them survived. Huuuu so sad to come home and watched some of them dried and died. Huuuu...

Yes...i grieved ok. I always have feeling for plants especially those I plant one. Ingat bela kucing je ke sedih bila kucing mati? Huhuhu.

My laksa leaves / kesum ready to repot again. 

I took a break from gardening because Ramadan just happen around the corner when I went back from Perth. I just maintain the exist and survived one ja. At that time, no mood to plant a new one pun. I cleared all the dried and died plants and empty the pots. Oh my banyak jugak yang mati kejung ok!!! I need a break! Still sedih ok.

But hey, after browsing around the FB group for urban garden, terus semangat. I start back my gardening habit. I start repot and propogate some of my sweet basils to a new pots. Then I have 2 papaya plants that accidentally grown when my mom compossed some papaya to the pots. That one I removed them to my house corridor..nak buang sayang. So i let them be there. Sikit lagi nak sama tinggi dengan Aishah. Lol.

There are few things you need to consider before start planting anything:
1. Are you more into edible or just for landscaping? For me, i prefer both. So i got both. Edible ada for landscaping my balcony pun ada.
2. Lighting. You must now your place got covered with full lighting/semi shades or what.
3. Type of plants. Dis one also need to consider the lighting factor.

This chilies survived during my absent . 👏👏👏

Well as for my balcony, i got full lighting almost the time accept winter! Kahkah berangan ko nak winter sangat kan..coiii. i mean if the raining season n cloudy then the light much more dimmer like one in Perth. Sekarang pun cuaca acah2 autumn dekat Perth kan.. hahahahha.. accept the temperature won't go down further than 23C I think. Hahaha

Let just cuci mata and see all my pokoks ok.

My sweet basils also survived. Wehuuuu

This one..bought it from market. It's culantro, cousin to cilantro. Smells and taste the sama as cilantro. Both my fav. I like both.

Thai basils. Also my favourite one. Masak pakai ni memang sedap!

Shall update more about my balcony garden soon. Till now...buhhh -byeee

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  1. Eyqa paling suka tanam daun kesum. Pernah tanam pokok cili tapi tak bertahan lama. Mati macam tu je.

  2. i always adore people that like gardening. because i am suck at it. haha. good luck with your pokok pokok okay...

  3. bestnya..selalu nak tanak tacam2 dlm potmcm akak jarang balik seremban so xde la sapa nak tgok nanti..tau2 dh mati je..kalau ada balcony best la jugak kan

  4. Dulu kita kat kampung memang suka tanam pokok hehehehe terutama memang suka bila tengok pokok tu membesar dan mengeluarkan hasil...

  5. Wahhhhhhhh! Meriahnya rumah sis. Rajinnya bercucuk tanam. Kena jaga bebetulkan kalau dah start bercucuk tanam ni. Yup, i know ur feeling dear bila pokok yg kita tanam tu mati.

  6. OMG! Daun kesum sedap..I pernah tanam kunyit. Cita cita nak ulam bunga kunyit. Mati kot! Aihhhh... seronok tengok your small garden live healthily. Kepp it up!

  7. Wahhh best nya ada garden sendiri. Memang puas hati kan bila apa yg kita tanam dan menjadi membuahkan hasil. Seronok aktiviti bercucuk tanam nie. Kalau buat dlm skala besar dpt share dgn jiran2 lagi best kan

  8. Rajin betul. Sis minat jugak cucuk tanam ni..tapi tu lah..setiap kali tanam je..tanaman akan mati, tak tau kenapa. Try yg senang pun tak menjadi. Org kata tangan sis tak sesuai

  9. rajin sis.. mudah bila nak pakai nnti tinggal petik je

  10. Dah lama nak bercucuk tanak. Wah tq for the idea. Sukalah tengok rumah yang ada pokok hijau2 mcm ni

  11. Alahai..same like me dear. Balik kampung raya 4 hari je pokok dah kering, nasib baik tak mati. Nak kena buat watering system for plant kot after this.

  12. Memang best bercucuk tanam ni. Tambah best bila dapat hasilnya. Teringin juga nak bercucuk tanam macam ni. TApi ruang rumah terhad lah.. huhu...

  13. Seronok ada balkino boleh bercucuk tanam. Rumah ana kalai tanam tak hidup lah gayanya sebab cahaya matahari tak sampai. Dekat rumah ayah meriah bab menanam ni. Petik je nak guna apa. Hehe

  14. Lovely balcony garden you have.. you really hv green fingers... plants grown nicely..

  15. Urban gardening is seriously the trend these days, especially for those who dwell in condominiums. Gigihnya Alia replant the garden. I won't have the mood or time for it, if it happened to me.

  16. Alah balcony rumah kita kecik sangat. X boleh bercucuk tanam. Kalau tengok blcony rumah orang besar memang jeles . Nak tanam macam2 lagi. Kalau nak masak main petik je.

  17. I cannot grow anything - orang kata tangan panas. Haha. Anything that I try to grow or maintain, it will die sooner than I anticipate. Even cactus pun mati after some time. Teruk kan.

  18. I not into gardening bit my mum yes. She plants different type of plants like chilies, lime, pomegranate and etc. Is like a garden now.

  19. ni baru balkoni, kalau dapat tanah besar lagi, sure lagi banyak hasilnya kan

  20. Alahai tangan kita kalau tanam pokok mesti mati, nak kena letak baja kat tangan kot ye?

  21. aida prefer edible garden.
    skit skit aje utk hiasan :)
