Hai Assalamualaikum lovelies...
Ada tak readers kat sini yang suka pakai color lens? Kalau korang suka, korang kena stay baca review ni sampai habis ok!
To be frank, I'm not a fan of color lens..used to but not anymore until I found this Horien Eye Secret 38% 3 months color lenses!
Yalah, menyampah kot kalau beli tapi mata asyik gatal and merah ja. Menyampah ok menyampah. Yes I have a quite sensitive eyes. I don't wear sebarangan lens tau sebab takut kena ulser mata ka.
So what is the fuss about this Horien Eye Secret 38% 3 months color lenses ni?
In gold color.
So basically untuk orang yang bermata sensitif macam aku ni, I will always go for soft lens. Because sekarang kan macam-macam lambakan lens dekat pasaran, from Korea claim la apo la. Lepas tu pakai, nah mata gatai , kering and merah! Serius stress. Siap pernah kena eye infection lagi. Eeeiii baik-baik cakap ok, kita da pakai and jaga kebersihan sehabis baik tau. Lepas-lepas tu sumpah seriau nak pakai lens lagi. Takpa la mata tak lawa pun. Bahahaha.
Tapi dengan Horien Secret color lens ni aku confident la kan sebab nya:
- Material: Polymacon
- Water content: 38%
- BC:8.7mm
- DIA: 14.2mm
- Power: 0.00, -1.00~ -6.00( one power for every 0.25; -6.00; one power for every 0.50)
- Color: Black and brown (daily color lenses)
- Black, brown, gray , coco, purple , pink , blue ( monthly color lenses)
- Sodium Hyaluronate & Trehalose
- BMW 3D Wrap Technology
- UV Protection Function
- Artificial Intellectual
- Bigger Tinted Area
- 7-9mm wide optic zone
Have you heard that color from some of the contact lens might peel off and the chemical itself will hurt your eyes. Scary kan? But with Horien Eye Secret, BMW 3D Wrap Technology , dah tak perlu takut ya my dear. (Aku la yang penakut dulu!)
Credit to : http://www.eyesecret.com.my
In case you want to know about this BMW 3D Wrap Technology khennn.
Credit to : http://www.eyesecret.com.my
Comparison of technology that Horien Eye Secret used compared to a "traditional" method one.
So let see how my face look like after wearing their color lens.
Before wearing any color lens.
Me after using blue lens by Horien Eye Secret.
It does enchance my make up a bit kan.
Me using blue lens masa pi dinner date dengan husband and anak2. So basically not a date.
So what do you guys think about Horien Eye Secret 38% 3 months color lens? For me to be frank, I think I'll start falling in love again with color lens. Thank Horien Eye Secret for producing such a good contact lenses.
korang yang nak beli Horien Secret Eyes 38% 3 months color contact lens boleh la dapatkan di kedai-kedai optik yang berdekatan dengan rumah korang ya. Untuk maklumat lanjut boleh la korang check ke sni:
Website: http://www.eyesecret.com.my/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/horieneyesecret/
October 27, 2017 at 7:06 PMcantik la alia. biru.. pasni wat tutorial mekap pula ya.
ReplyDeleteIn Sha Allah. Ni make up simple2 ja. Sebab malas nk buat kening bagai. Lagipun saya mmg tak suka lukis kening sgt
DeleteSA teringin naknpakai lens tp x pandai..pernah cuba rasa nak pecah mata..haha..old school betul la kan
ReplyDeleteHee...saya pernah raa mcm tu sebab lens tu sendiri kot. Lagi2 yg jenis besar tu..mmg rsa sakit n kering. Tapi mcm horien ni ok plak maybe sebab ada kandungan air 38% tu kot
DeleteAkak pun rasa macam tu la...maybe ikut jenis lens tu sendiri...kena cari yang ada kandungan air macam Horien ni agaknya
Deletetakpernah pakai lens sbb takut dan takpandai. syok je tengok kawan pakai lens
ReplyDeleteBoleh try fyqah skali sekala...akak mmg jarang sgt2 pkai lens...kena cari yg sesuai mcm horien ni ok bagi akk
DeleteKita cuma mampu baca dan tengok ajalah orang lain pakai lens. Mata Bella memang jenis dry giler dan tak boleh pakai langsung. Jeles tengok mata cantik pakai lens. Hehe
ReplyDeleteSama la kita...tpi bila try horien ni mcm ok la pulak
DeleteSorry tu say hehehe makin bulat muka bila pakai lens tu hehehe cantik juga tapi ok ker...
ReplyDeleteMuka kita memang bolat awaaa
DeleteAkak tak pakai lens tapi tgk Alia pakai cantik-cantik jadi mata. Cunn..:)
ReplyDeleteSaya pun da xpkai akk...tp bila try horien ni ok la pulak
DeleteJeles je tgok org elok je pakai lens ni. Sis kalau pakai walau lembut still akan luka dlm kelopak mata tu..huhuhu
ReplyDeleteYe ka kak...mybe mata akk jenis sensitif jgk kot kan...
Deleteseronok tengok orang tukar2 colour lens. cantik color lens tu. teringin tapi memang jenis tak pernah pakai lens.
ReplyDeleteTry la horien ni..mana tau sesuai dengn awk ke
DeleteI'm a long term user for color cons. Is this a new brand? Will check out on my nxt purchase.
ReplyDeleteI think not so new...u can try one. It doesnt make my eye ball feel dry or itchy at all
DeleteWoww meletopss terus alia.. lawa!
ReplyDeleteMeletop pom2 ye
DeleteYour eye look more brighter and bigger after wearing color lens.
ReplyDeleteHi betty...thnks..yes i do agree with u
DeleteTak pernah cuba pakai lens ni . Selalu tengok kawan-kawan je pakai . Bila tengok alahaiii cantiknya mata diorang ..berwarna warni . Tapi pemilihan lens ni memang kena teliti sikit kan . Bahaya juga kalau yang fake ni boleh memudaratkan katarak mata
ReplyDeletelawa, nampak anak mata besar. Akk suka trend lens cenggini. Paling suka warna hijau hehehe
ReplyDeleteWowww... Mata biru.. Hehehe... Tak reti nak pakai lense. Rasa macam takut nak masukkan benda dalam mata tu ☺☺
ReplyDeletecantik juga warnanya. saya tak berani lagi nak pakai contact lens hehe
ReplyDeleteLia xpernah pakai lens lagi. Maybe nanti nak try gak pakai. Lawa2 lah warna lens tu. Macam dolls.
ReplyDeleteMenarik nya. Tapi kan skerang ni trend pakai lense macam barbie doll. Diameter dia sampai 16mm tau. Memang nampak macam baby..hihi. Tapi bergantung pada bentuk muka jugak. Ada yang pakai nampak tak sesuai, jadi nampak "scary".hoho
ReplyDeleteTak pernah cuba guna lense jenama lain selain dpd yg sedang digunakan ini. Mungkin nanti boleh cuba.
ReplyDeleteI like to wear cosmetic lens. look so beautiful
ReplyDeleteI dont wear contact lens on daily basis, i only wear then for photoshot or video.
ReplyDeleteCantik juga blue lens..