Face break out and don't care! 
I still want to rock my lip matte πŸ’„πŸ’„πŸ’„ from Fame Cosmetics in Fuschia code.

Benci tau kalau tetiba muka break out.
Satu biasa la bila tak cukup tidur ni memang hay wire hbis la body system kita kan. Pastu dengan hormon bercelaru lagi.

Hasilnya muka ku berjerawats but I dont care..life goes on. So make up macam biasa! But of course I do take extra care for my skin right now. Now still doin my microderma treatment for a week.

Nak tengok hasilnya? Later on la I share here ok? 2 days of treatment I can feel my skin gettin better.

Ehh by the way, this entry not to talk about my jerawats gurls. I nak bagitau yang my all time favourite lip matte is from Fame Cosmetics. Yes...it's local product. But hell yeah, they are great for my lips! Tak keringkan bibir i pun uolls.

Abaikan cela di daguku itu. Tengah break out kan..amik masa skit untuk treatment berkesan kan. This one Fame Cosmetics lip matte in Candy code. It's a sweet pink tone. Well I must say, I think I do look good in a pink shades lip color compared to all the mak tiri color one. Yes eventho I do garang like mak tiriπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹

Antara warna-warna yang menarik di Fame Cosmetics

Dan paling BESTTTTT, HARGA dia Omaigodddd...MURAHNYAAAA
RM29 ja uolls!!!!

And ONE MORE thing I LOVE about their lip matteπŸ’„πŸ’„πŸ’„...

The texture itself, creamy n buttery upon application so you can set on your lips so smooth and as after a minute...it mattify!
From creamy n buttery to matte finishing! 
Wallahhh πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

I'm so in love with Fame Cosmetics

Now dah ada cushion blusher ya! Can't wait to try this one.

So hampa kalau nak beli  Fame Cosmetics punya barang boleh la usha-usha dekat 




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