So let see how my 1st day of Eid face looks like.
Yeah illusion.
I'm still fat and my cheeks weight like 3kgs each side😂😂😂
This is what I've been using for my make up.
Color lens - Freshkon in Misty Grey
Lip- lipmatte from FAME Cosmetics in Glam.
Mascara- Mixiu ( d best mascara ever for my bulu mata pendek and tak nampak macam ada bulu mata ni)
Highlight-Nars Copacabana
Moisturiser- Honey Bee Venom
Eyeshadow-FerraRossa in Red Velvet
Serum- Honey Bee
Primer- Benefit Cosmetics.
Not in d pic
Foundation- Rosetyara foundation in code Rose.
Eyeliner- from my Althea haul (forgot the name oreddy...sory)
Shading- Bronzer bought from Chemist from my last Perth visit...also forgot the brand😂
Blusher- Nars Orgasm
Loose Powder-Chanel Transculent Powder
For those interested to get half of the product I'd been using like forever, don't forget to check on :
Or you guys kalau nak terus ja beli boleh terus ja whatsapp tuan tanah
bilaaaa la ceq nak pandai mekap jugak ni.. huwaaa T.T
ReplyDeleteBoleh ct...bljaq utube pun boleh
Deleteblajaq kat tube nanti jadi tah rupa apa apa jaa kak.. mmg keras sket tgn nak mekap2 ni..
DeleteHihi..xpa...janji kompiden uolls walaupun tanpa mekap2..akk klau mai mls nk mekap ehh lantak ja
Deletewahhhh cantik warna lipstick !
ReplyDeleteHeee..fame cosmetics mmg lawa2 kaler diaaa
Deletelawaaa suka stail ni sbb xheavy !! bila2 kena p belajaq dgn kak lia
ReplyDeleteMai2..kita men contiang2 muka
DeleteBW sini. Selamat Hari Raya sis. Gojes sis :D
ReplyDeletejemput ke blog >>
saya ada baut survey. Harap sudi jawab :)
thanks :D
Tq...nnt emelkn kt saya survey tu pun xpa
Deletecer senyum skit... hahahha
ReplyDeleteHahahaha...saja gatai wat muka ketat weu