MH370...where ever u are...please come back...
There are mothers & fathers waiting for their son/daughter
There are wife waiting for husband
There are daughters &sons waiting for their mom&dad
There are sisters waiting for their brothers..
Sebak....dats the word to describe my feeling....
I wonder how I'll feel if this happen to my family's members....
It could be us...
It could be our family's members..
Tapi perancangan Allah tu lebih hebat..
Allah uji kita maybe sebab kita as Malaysians ni terlampau leka and berpecah especially Muslims...jadi Allah bagi kita ujian ni utk tengok sejauh mana kebergantungan kita kepada Nya....
Apa yang boleh...keep on praying....semoga Allah beri kita petunjuk...

posted from Bloggeroid
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