Currently been looking for a new job...
Sebab apa?
Of course because aku rasa apa yg aku wat skarang hnya lah 1% of what I learnt in chemical engineering school before...oklah2...1% mcm pembohong sgt lah pulak..suka nk melebih2 lah kan...I up to 5% la kan..
Its not like I hate this job...but mainly because I cant see I can grow no where from my current job...
Keep doing routine jobs..tak thrills langsung rasa...
Rasanya my study time dulu lgi challenging nk mamposs....
Nk kena present itu ini...ini tak...bila aku voice out n give some opininions trus kena carasss...mainly sbb cost la...
Arghhhh..untung billion2...nk wat d bottlenecking pun xnak..ecewah..da lama tak guna word d bottlenecking ni...
Mmg la aku rasa ok senang...keja aku p keja wat menda yg sama..but as human..aku rsa mcm tak ckup...I want more...sebenaqnya aku give up pun ada jugak...
Fed up dgn perangai org tu takyah ckp la..
Apa pun...aku harap2 sgt aku dapat keja yg relate sgt2 dgn apa yg aku blajaq dat aku boleh brush up aku pnya skills...boring wei...muak wei...bukan job scope kita pun kita kena wat apa citaaaa??

Bukanlah aku nk keja yg mncabar smpi nk keja kt oil n gas field...idokler gitu...
But I want a job that can satisfy me...
Please pray for me;)
Tiap2 kali solat duk berdoa moga2 dpt la keja lain yg lebih better...yg mana company tu much more better in terms of benefits and others...
Ok bai...
Off to bed now....
Sebab apa?
Of course because aku rasa apa yg aku wat skarang hnya lah 1% of what I learnt in chemical engineering school before...oklah2...1% mcm pembohong sgt lah pulak..suka nk melebih2 lah kan...I up to 5% la kan..
Its not like I hate this job...but mainly because I cant see I can grow no where from my current job...
Keep doing routine jobs..tak thrills langsung rasa...
Rasanya my study time dulu lgi challenging nk mamposs....
Nk kena present itu ini...ini tak...bila aku voice out n give some opininions trus kena carasss...mainly sbb cost la...
Arghhhh..untung billion2...nk wat d bottlenecking pun xnak..ecewah..da lama tak guna word d bottlenecking ni...
Mmg la aku rasa ok senang...keja aku p keja wat menda yg sama..but as human..aku rsa mcm tak ckup...I want more...sebenaqnya aku give up pun ada jugak...
Fed up dgn perangai org tu takyah ckp la..
Apa pun...aku harap2 sgt aku dapat keja yg relate sgt2 dgn apa yg aku blajaq dat aku boleh brush up aku pnya skills...boring wei...muak wei...bukan job scope kita pun kita kena wat apa citaaaa??

Bukanlah aku nk keja yg mncabar smpi nk keja kt oil n gas field...idokler gitu...
But I want a job that can satisfy me...
Please pray for me;)
Tiap2 kali solat duk berdoa moga2 dpt la keja lain yg lebih better...yg mana company tu much more better in terms of benefits and others...
Ok bai...
Off to bed now....
posted from Bloggeroid
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