Hi since motherhood hit me...I was super bz...bz la sgt kan...adriana tdoq aku pun tdoq...bila mlm ja layan cita korea...haihh...tu pun curi2 sat msuk tgk dia kt dlm blik..takut dia lapaq ka apa ka...hehe...
Ok back to my main purpose of this post...I want to introduce u guys to my super fren..NUK teats...
Y NUK teats? Simply bcoz u can see d design is quite same with the mother's nipple..plus it's anti colic too...
Why d design is super important during feeding ur baby while u're still breastfeed ur baby? Simply bcoz to avoid nipple confusion...
For example I'm still fully breastfeed Adriana...n In Sha Allah will try to breastfeed her till she's 2 years old..
My problem is..sometimes when my breast is full n melimpah ruah dgn milk..she refuse to drink or maybe too lazy to drink because she's fall asleep..so to avoid "bengkak susu" I have to pump out n make a my ebm stock..
So what do I do with my ebm (express bresst milk) stock? I still using it to feed her sometime...sbb kalau dia da lapaq sangat meraung2 anak aku tu taknak suck kt my nipple maybe due to slow flow...haha...so to prevent dat..last time I fed her using syringe but the problem is both of her arms xleh duk diam...nk jgk bersilat dengan mama dia ni...padahal meraung2 lapaq...so sebab kesian I refuse to use the syringe..n start using common teat n bottle..
N then bermula lagi satu episod duka bila start guna common teat ni...sudahla cepat ja dia minum..pastu bila nk menetek kat aku mula la meraung2 lagi...flow lmbat n nipple confusion...
So to avoid this...I remembered...one of my fren k.shila before dis suggested me to 7se this NUK teats due to the design...
Memang before this da pernah tgk kt jusco..tp asik lupa ja nk beli. .so now beli facinh this problem mngelabah nk cri kt jitra ni...nsib la dkt guardian ada..tpi yg tak bestnya sgtla limited..after few research on d net...si for Adriana yg fully consuming her mama's milk ni...we have to go for size 1 or for 0~6months...but if u happen to feed ur baby with formula milk which the molecule is quite big..then have to go for size 2...size 2 also for 6~12 months but if ur baby consuming ebm..then no 1 will be no problem...

Ni stock ebm hasil perahan tiap2 hari..hopefully dpt berikan yg terbaik utk Adriana..

Nak cri teats size 1 saja tapi xdak..ada size 2 ja...quite mahai..dlm rm23.90 for this set..kalau yg 250ml dlm rm25.90..nk beli yg besaq mcm too big for her...belasah ja lah amek yg kecik...so mau tak mau amek la dgn botoi sekali..at least kalau tak muat ngn botoi lain boleh pkai botoi ni kan..tp yg bestnya..nsib la boleh msuk ngn botoi pureen jgk...

Hasik perahan di pagi hari...agak lumayan...syukur kepada Allah...
Ok back to my main purpose of this post...I want to introduce u guys to my super fren..NUK teats...
Y NUK teats? Simply bcoz u can see d design is quite same with the mother's nipple..plus it's anti colic too...
Why d design is super important during feeding ur baby while u're still breastfeed ur baby? Simply bcoz to avoid nipple confusion...
For example I'm still fully breastfeed Adriana...n In Sha Allah will try to breastfeed her till she's 2 years old..
My problem is..sometimes when my breast is full n melimpah ruah dgn milk..she refuse to drink or maybe too lazy to drink because she's fall asleep..so to avoid "bengkak susu" I have to pump out n make a my ebm stock..
So what do I do with my ebm (express bresst milk) stock? I still using it to feed her sometime...sbb kalau dia da lapaq sangat meraung2 anak aku tu taknak suck kt my nipple maybe due to slow flow...haha...so to prevent dat..last time I fed her using syringe but the problem is both of her arms xleh duk diam...nk jgk bersilat dengan mama dia ni...padahal meraung2 lapaq...so sebab kesian I refuse to use the syringe..n start using common teat n bottle..
N then bermula lagi satu episod duka bila start guna common teat ni...sudahla cepat ja dia minum..pastu bila nk menetek kat aku mula la meraung2 lagi...flow lmbat n nipple confusion...
So to avoid this...I remembered...one of my fren k.shila before dis suggested me to 7se this NUK teats due to the design...
Memang before this da pernah tgk kt jusco..tp asik lupa ja nk beli. .so now beli facinh this problem mngelabah nk cri kt jitra ni...nsib la dkt guardian ada..tpi yg tak bestnya sgtla limited..after few research on d net...si for Adriana yg fully consuming her mama's milk ni...we have to go for size 1 or for 0~6months...but if u happen to feed ur baby with formula milk which the molecule is quite big..then have to go for size 2...size 2 also for 6~12 months but if ur baby consuming ebm..then no 1 will be no problem...

Ni stock ebm hasil perahan tiap2 hari..hopefully dpt berikan yg terbaik utk Adriana..

Nak cri teats size 1 saja tapi xdak..ada size 2 ja...quite mahai..dlm rm23.90 for this set..kalau yg 250ml dlm rm25.90..nk beli yg besaq mcm too big for her...belasah ja lah amek yg kecik...so mau tak mau amek la dgn botoi sekali..at least kalau tak muat ngn botoi lain boleh pkai botoi ni kan..tp yg bestnya..nsib la boleh msuk ngn botoi pureen jgk...

Hasik perahan di pagi hari...agak lumayan...syukur kepada Allah...
posted from Bloggeroid
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