Dis date....stil remember clearly......mcm ada screen with some muvie kept playing in my eyes...8 years passed by....but the pain still remain there....
Nothing hurt more to see ur love one gone in a blink eye without any sign of sickness or what.....but dats the God wills....we have to accept Allah loves abah more than we do...
I stil remember....this date...at dis late of nite....i cried cried cried n cried...i wanted to scream and ask God to bring abah back....but dats it...dat how life goes on....and now all i can do is pray for him there....he is my first superheroes....first man i fall in love with...my biggest fan....dats is my abah...he know how to spoil his liltle girl.....coz i will always be her favourite lil gurl rite abah.....
Abah...mayb nx month u will get another grandkid....if u're stil around...i bet u must spoil him/her like u did to me before....
Semoga abah tenang di sana...Ya Allah...peliharalah dan tempatkan lah abahku di kalangan2 org yg beriman dan dirahmati olehMu....

We love n miss u always abah!
Nothing hurt more to see ur love one gone in a blink eye without any sign of sickness or what.....but dats the God wills....we have to accept Allah loves abah more than we do...
I stil remember....this date...at dis late of nite....i cried cried cried n cried...i wanted to scream and ask God to bring abah back....but dats it...dat how life goes on....and now all i can do is pray for him there....he is my first superheroes....first man i fall in love with...my biggest fan....dats is my abah...he know how to spoil his liltle girl.....coz i will always be her favourite lil gurl rite abah.....
Abah...mayb nx month u will get another grandkid....if u're stil around...i bet u must spoil him/her like u did to me before....
Semoga abah tenang di sana...Ya Allah...peliharalah dan tempatkan lah abahku di kalangan2 org yg beriman dan dirahmati olehMu....

We love n miss u always abah!
posted from Bloggeroid
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