it's d reason where am i now...

in , by Alia Farhan, 5:44 AM
Workin life is not easy...i know when i was a student(during my diploma)...i wish to frther my degree but.....then my course wasn’t yet offer dat i decided to work...the first job i got is at one of the famous pharmaceutical company,whom d major customer is the government(cannot reveal the name’s too sensitive-but dis company is listed in BSKL u know...very well known)....happened to gave me a very2 cikai salary...huuuuuhhhh.....
I have no choice at the moment the offered me...oreddy done with the medical check up n all dat....
Rite after i;ve done my medical checkups and all that, i got a phone kol from Sumitomo....
I was like excited that the company is actually @ penang....u know y on earth la kan why i was so excited...because it’s in penang ok...penang....
Not at cheruk bangi like dis company...huhu.....
@ dat time i have no idea at all about plating... hihihi...until i called my so called as GODFATHER, Mr Zulhafiz(mafia tuMICET’s students for sure know how mafia he is...)who is my academic advisor and asked him what the heck is plating....hehhehe.....siap dia tolong google lg kot psal company tu kat aku msa tuh....terharu dak??!!
he told me to give a try n just go to the i went and the interview went so so lah...Siap ugut lagi tu,can u give a faster feedback if i got d job la..bla bla bla la because i already got the job @bangi...n if i go there,it will be hard for me to accept the offer la..bla bla bla....(politic mau kuat beb!)
Tgk2,tup2 2 days after dat they already called me and said i got the job...
Siap before that mcm pasrah gila ja sbb rasa mmg xdpat dah....maybe jodoh dgn org PENANG kuat kot(hehehe....actually, xdak apa2 lg tym ni ngn MR A...selain musuh ketat n kawan baek...uhhhh...mcm mna tu?)
Dat moment tetiba rsa stress yg amat..nk p ka dak..nk p ka dak...sbb dat tyme da sruh pon my fren pogy cri umah kt stu...then, called again my GODFATHER...ckp la i got the job at sumitomo....then dia siap ckp awak tipu apa msa interview tu....
I was like...errkkkkk....i dunno...T_T
mntak pndpt he just ask me basic things...bout the salary...then i told him...bla bla bla...
Terus ja ckp,then go for sumitomo la’s a good opportunity rite to i took d challenge........
Bila da msuk sumitomo tu(first day keja is on my 21st birthday-3rd july 2006)..ok lah...i met many great people there....whom i proud to called as my brothers and my sisters....dah la jd first technician perempuan kt stu....n nsib bek la cpt adapt kn.....hehehe
Sempat jugak la rekemen 4 org kwan2 MICET msuk stu...zura,aman,epul hek hek hembu @hemoh hemoh n munirah.....
Siap lecturer aku sorg ni ckp ag “u hev prove dat good grades mcm DL tu senang dpt reja...u siap boleh rekemen membe2 msuk sana ag...Gud Job alia...”
N i was like.....”hahhaha”......
Kembang siot(walopun da sedia kembang) dip’s result is 3 pointer sumthing...
N my degree pointer is hancussss.....enuff...dont ask me more...
Or else makan penampaq....
But dlm2 hancoq leboq n berkecai stil can get a job!
I think based on my previous experience kt sumitomo kot...
Tenkiu sumitomo!
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