1. Scuba diving license
2. Vacation to phuket or krabi or koh samui or perhaps sabah...(oreddy booked tickets to medan dis comin may..how’s medan readers?)
3. i phone 4(ketinggalan zaman kn?i know!)
4. gud health for myself, me amor n me familia!
5. Gettin E n M as he said...
that’s all my wishlists
I mean for now...
Yes now only.......
In jan or may it might b increased from time to time.....
1. savin more money every month in ASB...so,can go travel whenever i feel to do so
2. work harder n smart...
3. get promoted(erkkk...just start workin..how to get dis one?)
4. eat more fruits,veggie n fish
5. less shoppin....(i wish i can throw away dis bad habbit!if not,how come to save d money?..haiyaa)
6. fasting every Monday n Thursday.
7. Perform the solat(no more tinggai2 esp d subuh one)
i hope 2011 will be better than 2010..Amin

1. Scuba diving license
2. Vacation to phuket or krabi or koh samui or perhaps sabah...(oreddy booked tickets to medan dis comin may..how’s medan readers?)
3. i phone 4(ketinggalan zaman kn?i know!)
4. gud health for myself, me amor n me familia!
5. Gettin E n M as he said...
that’s all my wishlists
I mean for now...
Yes now only.......
In jan or may it might b increased from time to time.....
1. savin more money every month in ASB...so,can go travel whenever i feel to do so
2. work harder n smart...
3. get promoted(erkkk...just start workin..how to get dis one?)
4. eat more fruits,veggie n fish
5. less shoppin....(i wish i can throw away dis bad habbit!if not,how come to save d money?..haiyaa)
6. fasting every Monday n Thursday.
7. Perform the solat(no more tinggai2 esp d subuh one)
i hope 2011 will be better than 2010..Amin