oBsEsSeD wIf HiM?No..I JuSt LoVe hIm...eNuFf...
alia heart amir
by Alia Farhan, 9:06 AM
ermmmm....its been along tyme not to spend my tyme blogging....quite bz wif all those stuffs...esaimens...reports...tests...design prjct...design my drying tower equipmnt..adoyaiii...bila la nk ending neh...sudey capek sgt neh...but...dlm dok bz2 tuh sempat la lagi layan nur kasih...tu da semestinya n layan fesbuk smbil dok layan sorority life n da nk msuk level 50 da pon...huhu... eksheli...i mis amir a lot...nk2 plak tau mayb he's going back 2 penang..uwaaa...xbest nyer...my life will b dull like b4...xbest...xbest...ishkkk...ni yg tak sabaq2 nk blik prctical n keja kt png nih....ishk2...haru la...camner neh....da kusut sgt...but i'll pray d best for him n me...pendek kta for both of us la syg...i love u so much, dear...rsa sgt serabut bila pikir psal menda2 mcm ni...btul kata amir...we shud take it simple n lets not make it sounds so complicated,alia...hehe..dats wut he always said to me...u hev to focus on ur study 1st..n then br leh pikir bout us...just finish ur study 1st n keep focus...n then come back 2 penang...n we'll get married....yayyyyy.....if dats sounds so easy la kan en amir..i hope so....nk mengharung smua ni rsa sgt la...huhhhh....separuh nafas...but i always count on u dear...2 make me laugh when life's getting harder every time...u r d one who always show me how 2 b strong n believe in my own self not anyone else... thanx dear...i know u always try to cheer me...n never show me ur problems all the times...but u know..i always can smell it dear...ur perangai 2 bila ada mslah..heee...tu pn da wat org tau la...amir oo amir...sorry lately, u hev to dengaq all my stupids luahan perasaan yg sgt beremosi bcoz of d hormone yg x menentu neh.....without really care wut happen 2 u...eksheli,i'm so worried bout u....i hope i can help u out...but all i can do is just listen to it...i'll pray d best for u...n d best for us... BECAUSE I LOVE U SO MUCH...AMIR MOHAMMAD FIRDAUS OMAR!!!

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