student life?ada org kata best?tp best ker?aku tak rasa pon best...ermmm..tetiba tingat tym keja dlu kt gila..njoy tak ingat dunia la kan...skang ni...otak penat...bdan lagi la penat..kalo tym keja dlu..penat bdan jer...otak besa2 jer..huh...cannot handle la..nk2 jd student micet neh..mmg terseksa otak many works yg nk kena submit last2 mins...n bleh plak ada sstgh lectrer yg assign kn ktorg ngn keja yg last minutes n he expect us to come wif a product like boom2 pow...n report like apa...n yg plg best subjct tu subject bodo2 jer...innovation jer pon...byk lg kena la...downstream la..oil n fats la...packaging yg wat mcm ni pon lctrer lua...part timer kt micet..ngaja hancur...nk2 mcm ipta..blah la...benci gila rsa..ada patut lcture dia kul 6.0-7.30 ptg...mmg tak logis...kdg2 drag smp 7.45...cacat otak btul la kan...dia bajet ngajaq kt mana ntah..myb dia rasa dia ngajaq kt sheffield aku rsa best sgt..sbb keja da tinggai tak byk sgt...yesss.....beshnya..okla,nk cont wat esaimen packaging..nk anta esk jgk kalo leh...xmo tgguh esk mlm leh la study oil n fat...gud timing tp maaflah en imran,i xdpt la nk anta report u jumaat ni...sorry yer...
alia heart amir part II
by Alia Farhan, 1:24 PM
Plain White T's widget by 6L &
la la la keja la
by Alia Farhan, 1:10 AM

heee...x abeh2 ngn bila aku tension sgt ngadap keja yg berlambak haa aku wat..blogging sat...fesbuk sat n y tube sat layan cinta la nikmat nya duk luaq bila tak dok kt hostel micet tuh...tenet hi speed d hujung jari beb...kalo tak..hrpan la nk layan u tube laju2...2 pn sem2 lps aku pkai bband not bad la kan speed dia but stil cannot lwn la tenet streamyx yg power..hehehe...
ok back to i will list down all things i shud done...n already done:
i)oil n fat-2nd esaimen-FCM-KAO Penang-done!! ii)mini project oil n fat-stil in progress-wik 13 shud submit adoyai iii)design-equip-drying tower-selasa ni imran da mau tgk..ishkk mati aku iv)packaging 2nd esaimen-wik 14-x wat papa g v)downstream report-da nk siap da vi)packaging lab report-wik 14 tak start pa g..ngat satg br nk start vii)innovation-interview report-haprak..xdak progress g viii)innovation report-product-lg la haprak...
tgk haaa...byk kan keja aku...sapa kata senang jd student ni..blajaq kalo da jd student micet haaa..mcm ni la...x menang tangan...smua nk kena wat...lecturer berlumba2 bg esaimen...hishhh...penat xpa...dis sem ja aku penat..nx sem aku ada 2 paper ja..hope i can do well la next sem....
ni plak senarai test n presentation yg dok tggu:
i)test packaging-selasa ni...mybe postponed nx wik..but b prepared 4 dis tuesday la ii)renewable energy-28th iii)oil n fat ni plak tak tau bila sbb my lectrer cuti sakit... iv)presentation design-wik 14....mati la aku...

alia heart amir
by Alia Farhan, 9:06 AM
ermmmm....its been along tyme not to spend my tyme blogging....quite bz wif all those my drying tower equipmnt..adoyaiii...bila la nk ending neh...sudey capek sgt neh...but...dlm dok bz2 tuh sempat la lagi layan nur kasih...tu da semestinya n layan fesbuk smbil dok layan sorority life n da nk msuk level 50 da pon...huhu... eksheli...i mis amir a lot...nk2 plak tau mayb he's going back 2 penang..uwaaa...xbest life will b dull like yg tak sabaq2 nk blik prctical n keja kt png nih....ishk2...haru la...camner neh....da kusut sgt...but i'll pray d best for him n me...pendek kta for both of us la syg...i love u so much, dear...rsa sgt serabut bila pikir psal menda2 mcm ni...btul kata amir...we shud take it simple n lets not make it sounds so complicated,alia...hehe..dats wut he always said to me...u hev to focus on ur study 1st..n then br leh pikir bout us...just finish ur study 1st n keep focus...n then come back 2 penang...n we'll get married....yayyyyy.....if dats sounds so easy la kan en amir..i hope so....nk mengharung smua ni rsa sgt la...huhhhh....separuh nafas...but i always count on u dear...2 make me laugh when life's getting harder every time...u r d one who always show me how 2 b strong n believe in my own self not anyone else... thanx dear...i know u always try to cheer me...n never show me ur problems all the times...but u know..i always can smell it dear...ur perangai 2 bila ada mslah..heee...tu pn da wat org tau la...amir oo amir...sorry lately, u hev to dengaq all my stupids luahan perasaan yg sgt beremosi bcoz of d hormone yg x menentu neh.....without really care wut happen 2 u...eksheli,i'm so worried bout u....i hope i can help u out...but all i can do is just listen to it...i'll pray d best for u...n d best for us... BECAUSE I LOVE U SO MUCH...AMIR MOHAMMAD FIRDAUS OMAR!!!

oBsEsSeD wIf HiM?No..I JuSt LoVe hIm...eNuFf...
miss u,amir!!
by Alia Farhan, 6:13 AM

ekshelli pg td..ermmm clap..not pagi td..tgh hr td..tgk cita if only...ermmm...kinda of sedey jgk la...en amir,u shud c dat dat u will appreciate evry moment dat we'd shared 2gether...u know..bcoz guys tend to forget their memories wif their loves one!! i rite..i guess i am..huh...really misss u dem much!!!bila la nk jmpa neh..4 sure after dis i will get stuck wif my tonnes of works til my final exam...huh...after dat, i think we shud try 2 spend more time to each other....rite, dear.....
~~taKe mY hEaRT!!~~
by Alia Farhan, 5:51 AM

You can take my heart for a walk on the beach You can take my heart for a little trip You can take my heart very close to your heart You can take my heart forever if you like But not every heart belongs to any other You and I You and I are meant to be I'm the one for you, You're the one for me You love me as much as I do When you look at me and we're skin to skin I want you so Please come in And you love me more and more And my love grows up with you And you kiss me more and more And I kiss you, too And I kiss you, too If I take your heart, I will cherish it every day If I take your heart, I will heal these old wounds If I take your heart, it's to make it happy If I take your heart, it's forever close to mine But not every heart belongs to any other You and I You and I are meant to be I'm the one for you, You're the one for me You love me as much as I do When you look at me and we're skin to skin I want you so Please come in And you love me more and more And my love grows up with you And you kiss me more and more And I kiss you, too And I kiss you, too I don't care, I don't care If I'm again carried away If you swear, if you swear To give me your heart in return To give me your heart in return I don't care, I don't care If I'm again carried away If you swear, if you swear To give me your heart in return To give me your heart in return